Need to know more?
Please visit our Contact Us page to capture your enquiry and the AFRACAD team will get back to you. You can also email us directly at info@afracad.com.
Need to know more? Visit the Contact Us page to get in touch.
Is the AFRACAD catalogue exhaustive of learning programmes available throughout the year?
The list of programmes indicated in the catatogue is continuously updated as AFRACAD enters new strategic partnerships with stakeholders. Check out for new offerings by frequently visiting the AFRACAD Portal at mylearning.afracad.com.
What are the eligibility criteria for enrolment?
Please refer to the programme information available on the course page to determine the eligibility criteria for a particular programme.
Are all learning programmes offered online?
AFRACAD delivers learning programmes in various formats i.e., virtual, face-to-face and hybrid. For specific details on a programme of your interest, please refer to the information available on the course page.
How many free learning programmes can l enroll for?
There is no limit on the number of learning programmes you may register for, whether free or paid.
Why was l placed on the waiting list?
There are programmes that have limited seats and once the maximum number of enrolments is reached, subsequent interested participants are placed on the waiting list. You will be automatically enrolled when a seat becomes available.
How do l access the learning programmes I’m enrolled for?
Sign-in to the AFRACAD Portal at mylearning.afracad.com then navigate to the “My Learning” page.
How do l receive my certificate?
On completion of a learning programme, you will receive a certificate of attendance or completion depending on the nature of the programme. You will receive your digital certificate via email, but there are instances where the original certificate is sent to you via courier. Kindly refer to the programme information available on the course page.
Can l deregister from a learning programme?
You can deregister anytime from the learning programmes that are offered for free. Regarding the paid programmes, kindly refer to the AFRACAD cancellation policy.
How do l pay for a learning programme?
From the catalogue, select the learning programme you need to register for and place in the shopping cart. You then proceed to pay using your debit or credit card. Note: You must be a registered user on the AFRACAD portal to be able to perform this transaction.
How do l create a user account on the AFRACAD portal?
Click on the Login to AFRACAD Portal button available on the AFRACAD website afracad.com to access the sign-up page available on the AFRACAD learning platform mylearning.afracad.com. Fill in the sign-up form, accept the terms and conditions and log in.
Is payment required when l create a user account on the AFRACAD portal?
No. You may create a user account to access the free learning resources offered by AFRACAD. Payment is only required when you are registering for the paid learning programmes.
Does AFRACAD offer payment plans?
Payment plans are available on select learning programmes. Please refer to the programme details available on the course page to determine whether a payment plan is applicable to the programme of your interest.
How do l send through my request for a payment plan?
Kindly fill the form on the Contact Us page and your request will be reviewed by the AFRACAD team.