
Experience the new era


Our learning programmes enable trade actors to explore trade opportunities in rapidly changing and digitized African markets. AFRACAD aims to equip you with the knowledge, and the requisite skills critical to transforming Africa’s trade and accelerate industrial development.

Promoting free trade in Africa

AFRACAD plays a critical role in building capacity and readiness to conduct trade under Africa’s single market, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). Afreximbank’s cooperation with African countries and pivotal role in promoting and expanding intra-African trade places AFRACAD in a unique position to empower stakeholders to realize the potential benefits of the AfCFTA. AFRACAD offers learning initiatives to help develop cultural and creative industries into a powerful transformative force in Africa leveraging on the vast AfCFTA market.

Transforming Africa's trade through innovative learning solutions

AFRACAD offers learning solutions that promote an appealing, facilitative and enabling environment for trade. A well capacitated trade environment that is economically diverse, with easy access to financing.


Join the AFRACAD community and experience lifelong learning.



Empowering Afreximbank’s corporate strategy through capacity-building

Intra-African Trade & AfCFTA Implementation
Industrialisation and Export Development
Leadership in Global Trade Banking in Africa
Financial Sustainability


Explore trade-related information

Explore trade-related information

The Africa-trade knowledge hub is a repository for trade-related learning programmes and information. Explore the AFRACAD portal to learn more.

Be part of the AFRACAD community

Be part of the AFRACAD community

Join African trade leaders to pursue trade-related certification and gain a deeper understanding of the African trade environment ecosystem.

Formalize your business

Formalize your business

AFRACAD offers capacity-building programmes to empower trade actors to formalize their business. For example, registering your business, developing a business plan, conducting market study, etc.

Scale up your business operations

Scale up your business operations

The Academy offers technical courses to help trade actors improve their product range and expand business operations while adhering to trade regulations.

Be motivated to learn continuously

Be motivated to learn continuously

Access free resources on the AFRACAD portal to facilitate lifelong learning and attend forums, workshops or masterclasses focusing on trade and investment.

Implement AfCFTA aligned trade regulations

Implement AfCFTA aligned trade regulations

AFRACAD offers capacity building programmes focused on trade policy advocacy to grow Africa’s trade and facilitate the implementation of AfCFTA.

Contribute to the AFRACAD vision

Contribute to AFRACAD vision

Partner with AFRACAD to deliver instructor-led training programmes and help transform trade in Africa.

Empower trade actors in Africa and the diaspora

Empower trade actors in Africa and the diaspora

Impart knowledge and skills to other trade actors seeking to explore trade opportunities in Africa.

Connect and network

Connect and network

Stay connected with AFRACAD community and inspire learners and other trade actors to become trade leaders in Africa.

Connect and network

Connect and network

AFRACAD Alumni page provides a platform for trade actors to connect, network, and share knowledge with other stakeholders beyond the learning event.

Inspire other trade actors

Inspire other trade actors

Maintain a life-long relationship with AFRACAD community and share your success stories.

Stay up to date

Stay up to date

Frequently visit the AFRACAD portal and keep up to date with the latest trade-related information and news on AFRACAD initiatives.


Need to know more? Visit the Contact us page to get in touch.

Is the AFRACAD catalogue exhaustive of learning programmes available throughout the year?
The list of programmes indicated in the catalogue is continuously updated as AFRACAD enters new strategic partnerships with stakeholders. Check out for new offerings by frequently visiting the AFRACAD Portal at
What are the eligibility criteria for enrolment?
Please refer to the programme information available on the course page to determine the eligibility criteria for a particular programme.
Are all learning programmes offered online?
AFRACAD delivers learning programmes in various formats i.e., virtual, in-person and hybrid. For specific details on a programme of your interest, please refer to the information available on the course page.
How many free learning programmes can l enrol for?
There is no limit on the number of learning programmes you may register for, whether free or paid.
Why was l placed on the waiting list?
There are programmes that have limited seats and once the maximum number of enrolments is reached, any interested participants are placed on the waiting list. You will be automatically enrolled when a seat becomes available.
How do l access the learning programmes I’m enrolled for?
Sign-in to the AFRACAD Portal at then navigate to the “My Learning” page.


Building capacity to transform Africa’s trade

AFRACAD seeks to unlock trade opportunities by building capacity and advancing Africa’s talent through learning, knowledge sharing and networking that is centered on the needs of Africa.

AFRACAD offers capacity building initiatives to build a well capacitated trade environment that is economically diverse with easy access to competitively priced financing.

The Academy supports a growing African economy that generates wealth in an equitable manner while protecting the right parties through promoting awareness and adoption of international standards and
driving integrity.

Additionally, our programmes enable you to explore facilitative infrastructure to achieve economies of scale by leveraging the right skills, capabilities, and human capital.

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Learner - Nigeria

How to Export with AfCFTA

The five-day workshop was fully packed with all the knowledge one needs to get started. It’s a huge privilege to be part of this great learning experience.

Learner - Côte d’Ivoire

How to Export with AfCFTA

Il faut pouvoir identifier les bons partenaires commerciaux et logistiques et développer nos différents clients et marchés

Learner - Ghana

Certificate of Trade Finance in Africa (COTFIA)

It was an eye-opener to several things on documentation I didn’t know before. The practical
sessions were superb, with no dull moments. The facilitators were knowledgeable in all areas handled.
I am indeed very grateful for this opportunity.

Statement from the President and Chairman of the
Board of Directors of Afreximbank Group

Afreximbank Academy (AFRACAD), the Africa-Trade Knowledge Hub, was launched in October 2022 to help advance African trade through building capacity and thought leadership vital to navigate today’s dynamic global trade scene. AFRACAD provides high impact and innovative learning solutions that facilitate the creation of an appealing, facilitative, and enabling trade environment in Africa and the Caribbean. The Academy offers evidence-based and proven learning solutions in trade-related matters to Africans and the diaspora with the target audience including corporates and SMEs; Sovereigns and Parastatals; Financial institutions; Academic Institutions; and Afreximbank Staff. AFRACAD’s aim is to equip you with the knowledge, and the requisite skills critical to transforming Africa’s trade and accelerate industrial development. This includes building capacity and readiness to conduct trade under Africa’s single market, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA). It gives me immense pleasure to present to you the Africa-Trade Knowledge Hub!

Prof. Benedict O. Oramah

President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Afreximbank Group

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